Trauma & Grief Counseling Services
Why Spiritual or Pastoral Counseling?
As we are spirit when we arrive on this planet and spirit when we depart, it is natural that the healing of the spirit is vital when traumatic experiences occur. Failure to release and heal trauma can result in the stifling and compromise of our spiritual life force energy. Thus the imperative to waken your spirit and experience the joy of being yourself. Learn more about my services below:
Individual Online Counseling
Informational In Person and Online Presentations
Topics of general concern to most people: The Nature of Trauma, The Nature of the Human Spirit, Fear, Dying/ Death/ Loss/ Grief, Social Concerns, Love and Healing, Crisis Intervention.
$65 an hour (Insurance claims not accepted at this time). Sliding scale fee considered. Payable immediately after service is provided, through PayPal.
Information to facilitate understanding
Nature of the Human Spirirt
“Chakras are organizing centers for the reception, assimilation and transmission of life energies.”
Anodea Judith.
There are many more than seven chakras in the human body/energy system but the major chakras are shown in an artist’s concept, in the above image. The colors shown are close to the true colors of the chakras and also represent frequencies. The frequencies can be measued in hertz (hz). Energy is moved vertically and in a circular fashion throughout the body by the heart. he energy field surrounding the body is known as the human biofield. It is comprised of frequencies which vibrate at different rates. Certain frequencies (the lower ones in particular around the base pf the spine) contain the energies of survival, especially when stimulated by fear. We do not want to stay permanently in any frequency, so as to not become overwhelmed or habituated to it. For the healthy mind, body, spirit we must work through all frequencies and nurture each in it’s particular aspect and respect the flow.
The higher frequencies (up around the heart, throat and head) support love, self-expression, and connection to Source Energy. Oppression forces people into the lower frequencies where fear resides. Fear related hormones are produced by the brain. Too much fear for too prolonged a period of time, and the system becomes stressed. Unresolved stress leads to compromised immune response, illness, agitation, spiritual fatigue, etc.
Nature of Trauma
“Being traumatized is not just an issue of being stuck in the past; it is just as much a problem of not being fully alive in the present.” Bessel van der Kolk
The brain essentially contains three parts (some say four). The old reptilian brain, the old mammalian brain, and the new brain: the forebrain (neocortex). The forebrain is where we do all our thinking, reasoning, sorting, categorizing, planning, etc.
Constant focus on fear (in the old brains) prevents the activity of the new brain. The fight/fligh/freeze function(s) demand focus on escaping threat - not rational thinking or reasoning. Stay in fear, and that frquency becomes the predominant habit of the brain and thus our behavior. Chronic unhappiness and poor health may occur.
Fear is generally experienced by outside influences, whereas anxiety is more related to inner concerns.
Finding Spirit
“And some people say they’ve seen love move mountains".” Bill Withers
While Spirit is everywhere, it too, can be compromized or diminished in health when the mind/body aspect is steeped in fear and pain. Thus, our ability to connect with the Higher-Self is lessened. Then we wonder why we feel so drained, and dragged down, and it seems like we can find no peace. Love is a frequency that begins the healing process of the Spirit. Love yourself and you will naturally emit love to others. Love yourself by caring for yourself. Unburden yourself from the fear and isolation. The grief process allows this transformation to begin. Yes, sometimes it hurts while healing takes place. This is natural and normal. Short term or longer term counsel can often enhance the healing process.
We are looking to maintain health for proper energy flow through out the mind, body, spirit. We do this through nutrition, movement, visualizations, sleep, sound, loving kindness, etc. What you focus on - you become.